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Postdigital Lunch 07

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Our seventh Postdigital Lunch will take place on 24 June 2021 from 12-1 pm. This time our host will be Prof. Dagmar Meyer (Institute for Electrical Systems and Automation Technology).

Are people with disabilities and older people (partially) excluded from social participation by the increase in digitalization? Is the use of digital technologies, for example in the area of care and support of these groups of people, inhumane, or do new opportunities open up? How can access to the use of digital technologies be facilitated for elderly people? Which additional value do they offer? What are the potential risks? These and other questions will be discussed from a practical perspective. Of course, a visionary look into the future is not to be misse

Find the full talk here:



  • Herbert Haun, Mananging Director of the NEULAND foundation in Wolfsburg and former managing director of the IT-company ESE GmbH, Braunschweig

  • Christian Vaterodt, Overall management of education, leisure, culture + coordination of citizen representation, Living and Care Neuerkerode Ltd.