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Job Offer: Scientific Assistant (m/f/d) Wanted for the Project EEPPS

The aim of the project 'Educational Ecosystems: Patterns, Practices and Services (EEPPS)', which is being conducted jointly with the University of Oldenburg, is to gain cultural and social science-based insights into three educational ecosystems funded by the Telekom Foundation in Berlin, Bonn and Rostock. To this end, observations and interviews will be conducted at the three locations and the data will be analysed with a view to determining which patterns, practices and service structures can be described in these ecosystems and to what extent these lead to experiences of success or failure for providers and learners.
The position is assigned to the department of Medial Transformations (MeTra). The department investigates social change with a focus on educational media and is particularly interested in the socio-political impact of such media. It asks what schools do with media and how media change schools. MeTra understands 'school' as a social space in which social power relations and discourses can be reproduced and changed.

Click here for more details: Educational Ecosystems: Patterns, Practices and Services 
