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Katharina Poltze

PhD student in "FaBuLoUS"

Katharina Poltze joined the Georg Eckert Institute in May 2020 as a researcher in the Media | Transformation department. She is a doctoral student in the project FaBuLoUS: supporting schools by teaching and learning in Fablabs - the key to integrating formal and informal education?

She is interested in postdigital education and media in the context of schools, (Fab-)labs as non-school spaces for teaching and learning, and social inequality. She works particularly with ethnographic, participative and design-based research methods.

Katharina Poltze completed her bachelor’s degree in social sciences at the Georg August University in Göttingen where she also completed her master’s degree in education studies, in which she focussed on research into education, professionalisation and socialisation. Her master’s thesis explored processes of communicatively networked formation of relationships in the context of dating apps.

During her studies she worked as a student assistant in a number of areas and research projects at the Institute for Educational Science in Göttingen and worked as a tutor in education research projects examining digital education, and media and design research. After completing her studies she worked from January to April 2020 as a researcher at the same Institute in the area for ‘Media research focussing on educational media’.

  • Völcker, Matthias; Landeck, Sascha; Poltze, Katharina; Schreck, Melanie; Heinemeyer, Denise (2020). Dating-Apps im intersubjektiven Geschehen: Tinder, Grindr und Co. als Optionen der Beziehungsinitiierung. ZQF – Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung, 1-2020, 69-85. (peer reviewed)
  • Poltze, Katharina (2020). Forschung: Von Qualifikationsarbeiten bis zu Drittmittelförderung. In Bers, Christiana (Hg.), 100 Jahre Erziehungswissenschaft an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1920-2020. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Studien, Band 4, 81-89. (online verfügbar)