Dr. Katja Knecht joined the Spatial Analytics and Crossdisciplinary Experimentation Lab (SpACE Lab) at the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism (ISU) at the Technical University of Braunschweig as a postdoctoral researcher in 2021. She has been conducting research on the human-centered design and development of digital systems to support design and participation processes at the interface of media, technology, architecture and urban planning in Germany, Great Britain and Singapore for over ten years. Her research within the Leibniz Science Campus Postdigital Participation focusses on the development of methods as well as tools and formats for the engagement of diverse stakeholder groups in urban planning processes.
Knecht, K., Mumm, O., & Carlow, V. (2023). City as Data: Urban Analytics as Contemporary Form of Rhythmanalysis. In: G.K. Erk (Ed.), AMPS Proceedings Series 32 Representing Pasts - Visioning Futures, Queen’s University Belfast, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, National University of Singapore, 1 - 3 December 2022. pp. 124-136.