Per-Ole Uphaus
PhD student in "Locative News" (Local-N)
Per Ole Uphaus (*23 February 1995 in Bremen) studied Media Management (B.A.) at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences from 2014 to 2017 with a focus on media science, media economics and media practice. In his bachelor’s thesis he dealt with the usage behavior of location-based services in tourism. In 2018, he joined the project ‘Location-Based Services in Regional Media Communication’ (a third-party financed project under ERDF funding) at the Institute for Media Management at the Ostfalia – initially as a student assistant, and since the end of 2019 as a research assistant. At the same time, he studied communication management (M.A.) from 2018 to 2020, also at the Ostfalia, with a focus on communication science, market and opinion research, personnel leadership and management, entrepreneurship. He completed his master’s thesis entitled “Location-Based Services in Regional Media Communication: An investigation of strategic orientations for the successful integration of locative technologies in regional media” as a cumulative, English-language thesis, in which he combined several scientific publications on the topic. In the winter semester of 2020/2021, he lectured at the Ostfalia in the fields of statistics and journalism.
During his research so far, he was able to acquire methodological expertise in quantitative and qualitative research and supervised and reviewed various theses. He has authored several international publications – among them a paper for the European Media Management Association 2020 that was nominated for the Best Paper Award. In the context of various conferences and not least through a current extensive Delphi study, including detailed interviews with international LBS experts from both science and practice, he is well connected in the relevant research field.
Since March 2021, Uphaus is working on his PhD project ‘LocativeNews (Local-N): location-based hyperlocal scenarios for successful social (media) communication’ as a PhD student at Leibniz Science Campus.
Conference contributions:
Uphaus, Per Ole; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (May 17–18, 2018). Location-Based Services in tourism: An empirical analysis of usage behavior. Annual Conference of the German Tourism Research Group, Munich.
Uphaus, Per Ole; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (2019). Location-based services in tourism: An empirical analysis of factors influencing usage behaviour. European Journal of Tourism Research 23, pp. 6-27.
Uphaus, Per Ole; Neuper, Oliver; Beringer, Björn; Hoffmann, Lukas; Langenmair, Simon; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (2019). Barriers seen by potential local Providers of Applications using Location-Based Services. In: Gartner, Georg; Huang, Haosheng (eds.): LBS 2019: Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Location-Based Services. Vienna, Austria, pp. 251-258. https://doi.org/10.34726/lbs2019.36
Conference contributions:
Uphaus, Per Ole; Neuper, Oliver; Beringer, Björn; Hoffmann, Lukas; Langenmair, Simon; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (November 11–13, 2019). Barriers seen by potential local Providers of Applications using Location-Based Services. LBS 2019 (15th International Conference on Location Based Services), Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria. https://lbsconference.org/
Uphaus, Per Ole; Beringer, Björn; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (2020). Business Model Innovation in Journalism – how do Local Media Managers Perceive and Recognise Technical Opportunities? Journal of Media Business Studies (submitted, under review).
Uphaus, Per Ole; Beringer, Björn; Siemens, Kristoph; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (2021). Location-Based Services – the Market: Success Factors and Emerging Trends from an Exploratory Approach. Journal of Location Based Services, 15(1), 1–26. https://doi.org/ 10.1080/17489725.2020.1868587
Conference contributions:
Uphaus, Per Ole; Beringer, Björn; Siemens, Kristoph; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (Mai 20–24 2020). How to Create Successful Location-Based Services? Here is the Answer for Media Managers! World Media Economics and Management Conference 2020 (WMEMC 2020), Luiss Business School, Rome, Italy. http://wmemc2020.luiss.it/ (Conference canceled, peer reviewed, selected)
Uphaus, Per Ole; Beringer, Björn; Ehlers, Annika; Rau, Harald (June 15, 2020). Business Model Innovation in Journalism – how do Local Media Managers Perceive and Recognise Technical Opportunities? Annual European Media Management Association Conference, emma conference 2020, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden. https://www.media-management.eu/emma-conferences/sweden-2020/
Krusch, Anna-Lena Christina; Uphaus, Per Ole; Rau, Harald (November 12–15, 2020): Context Marketing in the Public Sphere: A Systematic Literature Review. International Symposium on Technology and Society 2020 (ISTAS ’20), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States. https://attend.ieee.org/istas-2020/