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"Played problems - "decision" as a category of knowledge"

"Played problems - "decision" as a category of knowledge" in Post-Digital Milieus and Serious Games

Decision-making is an action that is often prepared, supported or even generated with the help of media processes. Deciding also plays a particularly important role in educational content with socio-political significance. In terms of questions related to (dis)information for example: Which sources can users trust? How can you tell fact from fake? How are users induced to click? Or in regard to awareness of the environment and sustainability: Where is the line between short-term effects and sustainable action? What influence do individual consumer decisions have on global interdependencies?

Decision-making powers are increasingly being handed over to non-human actors. Consequently, defining problems that lie at the source of the decision-making process is becoming increasingly important: Who defines the problem and thus paves the way for possible solutions? Which cultural techniques are required to deal with a problem? Which competencies are delegated to programmed entities and which competencies are required for these entities to be involved?

In my project, I approach these questions from a cultural-theoretical and discourse-analytical perspective. One aspect focuses on representations of decision-making and their potential for educational media, particularly with regard to the example of serious games. Another aspect focuses on media of decision-making and the participation of media formations in the definition and processing of decision-making situations.



2023-2027 (2nd funding phase)