Janina Becker has been working in the Media Transformations department since 2019. As pedagogical director of The Basement, the institute's digital lab, she coordinates the various programmes, investigates current technological and spatial design trends in the field of digital education and continues to design and develop the space and programmes based on research. In this interface between practice and research, she develops formats and initiates projects for the various target groups of The Basement. As its representative in the Transfer department, she offers her colleagues at the institute support in developing innovative transfer formats and applying the transfer methods developed in the "Knowledge for the Market (WiMa)" project.
Janina Becker studied "Culture of the Technical-Scientific World" in Braunschweig and worked as a media didactician in the "Teaching and Media Education" project group at the TU Braunschweig from 2016 to 2018. Here she combined current theories of university didactics with media science findings and imparted knowledge of how to use various digital tools relevant to teaching (e.g. creating online courses, webinars via AdobeConnect...).
From 2018 to 2019, she worked as a scholarship holder of the Robert Bosch Foundation at Xiamen University, PR China, where she taught scientific writing and communication in the Department of German Studies. In addition to her teaching activities, she was also responsible for the project management of the "Science Culture Slam" in Xiamen in spring 2019.