Co-Adapted Braunschweig: Adapting cities to climate change through co-creation
In the wake of climate change, large cities such as Braunschweig are facing challenges such as increasing periods of heat, heavy rainfall and flooding, reduced water availability, and shifts and changes in the composition of flora and fauna.
The joint research project 'Co-Adapted Braunschweig: Adapting the City to Climate Change through Co-Creation' (COABS) aims to bring together relevant actors to create a permanent network. Co-creation is a form of participation in which citizens and other stakeholders actively participate in the conception, design and organisation of projects.
Citizens, scientists, public administrators, schools, clubs and associations will work together to analyse the climate risks in Braunschweig, develop measures to increase the adaptive capacity of the city and initiate measures in order to generate public attention. The goal is to develop a knowledge-based, city-wide adaptation strategy and concrete adaptation measures by means of a climate pilot scheme. The project includes several fields of action: 'water quantity management & soil balance', 'people & health', and 'nature conservation & biodiversity', whose integration will also adress synergies and conflicting goals. The adaptation strategy, the network and the planned climate pilots will lay the foundation for successful adaptation to climate change in Braunschweig. Methods and strategies will be developed with their ultimate transferability in the foreground.
Mumm, O., Zeringue, R., & Carlow, V. M. (2022). From Local Measures to Regional Sustainability – An Attempt of Upscaling. In V. M. Carlow, G. Abou Jaoude, C. Karadag, O. Mumm, M. Scheer, K. Schöning, & R. Zeringue (Eds.), METAPOLIS. TOPOI. SCENARIOS for urban-rural sustainability in Lower For Urban-Rural Sustainability in Lower Saxony (pp. 240-251). Jovis.
Carlow, V. M., Karadag, C., Mumm, O., Scheer, M., & Schöning, K. (2022). Urban-Rural Intervention Catalog. In V. M. Carlow, G. Abou Jaoude, C. Karadag, O. Mumm, M. Scheer, K. Schöning, & R. Zeringue (Eds.), METAPOLIS. TOPOI. SCENARIOS for urban-rural sustainability in Lower For Urban-Rural Sustainability in Lower Saxony (pp. 224-236). Jovis.
Abou Jaoude, G., Mumm, O., & Carlow, V. M. (2022). An Overview of Scenario Approaches: A Guide for Urban Design and Planning. Journal of Planning Literature. https://doi.org/10.1177/08854122221083546
Zhu, P., Mumm, O., Zeringue, R., Endres, E., & Miriam Carlow, V. (2022). Building-related resource use in Chinese eastern cities – Qingdao building stock as a case study. Applied Energy, 313, 118697. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118697
Mühlbach, A.-K., Mumm, O., Zeringue, R., Redbergs, O., Endres, E., & Carlow, V. M. (2021). TOPOI RESOURCES: Quantification and Assessment of Global Warming Potential and Land-Uptake of Residential Buildings in Settlement Types along the Urban–Rural Gradient—Opportunities for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 13 (8), 4099. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13084099
2021 – 2023
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) - in the framework of the funding program 'Measures for Adaptation to Climate Change'.
City of Braunschweig, Department of Climate Protection and Strategic Environmental Planning (lead)
Institute of Geoecology - Climatology and Environmental Meteorology, TU Braunschweig
Institute of Geoecology - Soil Science and Soil Physics, TU Braunschweig
Spatial Analytics and Crossdisciplinary Experimentation Lab
at ISU – Institute for Sustainable Urbanism
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Mühlenpfordtstraße 23, 12th floor
38106 Braunschweig, Germany
T: +49 531 391-3506
F: +49 531 391-3534
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) - as part of the "Measures to adapt to climate change" funding programme