Prof. Dr. Vanessa Miriam Carlow
Projektleitung in „P4URB“ und "NiceWay"
Vanessa Miriam Carlow ist seit 2012 Professorin an der TU Braunschweig, wo sie das Institute for Sustainable Urbanism (ISU) gründete und seither leitet. Sie ist freischaffende Architektin und Stadtplanerin und Mitbegründerin von COBE in Kopenhagen (2005-2012) und COBE Berlin (2012), 2021 umbenannt in Vanessa Carlow Urbanism Research Architecture.
Carlow studierte Architektur und Städtebau an der TU Berlin und TU Delft (1995-2002). Sie hat einen gemeinsamen MA in Urban Management der Erasmus Universität Rotterdam, der Universität Kopenhagen, Ca Foscari Venedig, der Autonomen Universität Barcelona und der Universität Antwerpen (2004) und ein PhD vom Center for Strategic Planning an der Königlich Dänischen Kunstakademie Kopenhagen (2012).
Im Jahr 2013 wurde Carlow als Mitglied in den Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA) berufen und ist Auditor der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB).
Vanessa Carlow hat an Universitäten weltweit Vorträge gehalten und gelehrt, unter anderem an der Tsinghua University, der Tongji University, Riseba Riga, der Penn State University und der Cornell University.
Vanessa Carlows Forschung beschäftigt sich mit nachhaltigen Landnutzungsmustern, Stadtformen und -praktiken, Stadt-Land-Beziehungen, der Gestaltung öffentlicher Räume und Infrastrukturen und partizipativer Planung. Sie ist seit 2015 Ko-Sprecherin des Forschungsschwerpunktes Stadt der Zukunft an der TU Braunschweig. Ihre Arbeit als praktizierende Architektin wurde mit renommierten Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter der Goldene Löwe der Architektur Biennale Venedig (2006, Bester nationaler Pavillon), der MIPIM Award Cannes (2012) und die Goldene Medaille für die besten Gebäude in Kopenhagen (2012).
Carlow, V. M.; Gräser, Y.; Hagedorn, A.; Löhdefink, M.; Mumm, O. Move in the City – Ansätze datengetriebener Analyse von Stadträumen und die Umkehr des Assistenz-Gedankens in partizipativer Stadtentwicklung. In E.-W. Luthe, S. V. Müller, & I. Schiering (Eds.), Assistive Technologien im Sozial- und Gesundheitssektor. Heidelberg: Springer VS, 2021 (accepted for publication).
Juraschek, M.; Boland, K.; Mumm, O.; Mennenga, M.; Dietze, S.; Carlow, V.M.; Herrmann, C. Mapping the potential for urban-industrial symbiosis with simplified data acquisition for the integration into urban planning scenarios. Industrial Ecology, under review.
Zhu, P.; Mumm, O.; Zeringue, R.; Endres, E.; Carlow, V. M. Buildings related resource use in Chinese eastern cities and a pathway to a more sustainable future – Qingdao building stock as a case study. Applied Energy, under review.
Abou Jaoude, G.; Mumm, O.; Carlow, V. M. An Overview of Scenarios and Scenario Approaches: Towards a Guide for Urban Design and Planning. Journal of Planning Literature, under review.
Carlow, V. M.; Mumm, O.; Neumann, D.; Schmidt, N.; Siefer, T. TOPOI MOBILITY: Accessibility and settlement types in the urban rural gradient of Lower Saxony – Opportunities for sustainable mobility. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 2021 (accepted for publication).
Abou Jaoude, G.; Mumm, O.; Murad, M.; Carlow, V.M. The Future of Berlin. The Urban Transcripts Journal 2021.
Mühlbach, A.-K.; Mumm, O.; Zeringue, R.; Redbergs, O.; Endres, E.; Carlow, V.M. TOPOI RESOURCES: Quantification and Assessment of Global Warming Potential and Land-Uptake of Residential Buildings in Settlement Types along the Urban–Rural Gradient—Opportunities for Sustainable Development. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4099.
Carlow, V.M.; Mumm, O.; Neumann, D.; Schneider, A.-K.; Schröder, B.; Sedrez, M.; Zeringue, R. TOPOI - a method for analysing settlement structures and their linkages in an urban rural fabric. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 2021, under review.
Giebels, D.; Carus, J.; Paul, M.; Kleyer, M.; Siebenhüner, B.; Arns, A.; Bartholomä, A.; Carlow, V.M.; Jensen, J.; Tietjen, B., et al. Transdisciplinary knowledge management: A key but underdeveloped skill in EBM decision-making. Marine Policy 2020, 119, 104020.
Tempelmeier, N.; Rietz, Y.; Lishchuk, I.; Kruegel, T.; Mumm, O.; Carlow, V.M.; Dietze, S.; Demidova, E. Data4UrbanMobility: Towards Holistic Data Analytics for Mobility Applications in Urban Regions, 2019.
Carlow, V.M.; Schmidt, V.; Neumann, D.; Mumm, O. Projektakademie Ländlicher Raum. In Handbuch Innovative Lehre, Kauffeld, S., Othmer, J., Eds. Springer Fachmedien: Wiesbaden, 2019.
Appelhans, N.; Abou Jaoude, G.; Carlow, V.M.; Mumm, O.; Murad, M.; Schröder, B.; Trapp, J.H. An interdisciplinary approach to understanding the Open City. Trialog Open City 2019, 136.
Carlow, V.M.; Christiansen, D.; Rothfuchs, K.; Scheler, C. Zukunftsbilder für die Neue Vahr. In Potenzial Großsiedlung – Zukunftsbilder für die Neue Vahr, Pahl, K.-A., Reuther, I., Stubbe, P., Tietz, J., Eds. Jovis: Berlin, 2018.
Carlow, V.M. The transformation of the London Green Belt - from Sanitary Scenery, Global City Infrastructure to Sustainable Landscape. In Transforming Cities: Discourses of Urban Change, Pietrzak-Franger, M., Pleflke, N., Voigts, E., Eds. Universitätsverlag Winter: Heidelberg, 2018.
Carlow, V. M.; ISU, Institute for Sustainable Urbanism (Eds.). Ruralism – The Future of Villages and Small Towns in an Urbanizing World. Berlin: Jovis. 2016.
Carlow, V.M. LIMITS – Space as Resource. Berlin: Jovis. 2016.
Neumann D, Sedrez M, Carlow VM. 2016. Scenarios for sustainable development of the Lower Saxony. Metapolis. In: Schröder J, Carta M, Ferretti M, Lino B (eds.). 2016. Territories. Rural-Urban Strategies. Berlin: Jovis, 258-265.
Carlow VM, Hong YW. 2015. Adapting design tools to produce site-specific solutions: three projects. In: Wang F, Prominski M (eds.). 2015. Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening Identity and Sustainability by Site-specific Planning and Design. Heidelberg: Springer Press, 359-383.
Carlow, V.M. Limits—Urban Density and Mobility Networks in West Berlin during the Period of Containment. Sustainability 2014, 6, 7452-7465.
Carlow VM. 2014. From Greenbelt to Infrabelt – London’s Green Belt as a Model for Sustainable Landscape? In: Sörensen C, Liedtke K (eds.). 2014. Specifics – Discussing Landscape Architecture. Berlin: Jovis, 212-215.
2020 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MÄRKISCHES VIERTEL, BERLIN, DE. Urban development concept for the upgrading and densification of the Märkisches Viertel neighbourhood in Berlin (approx. 680 ha); commissioned by GESOBAU Berlin; status: under implementation.
2018 HIGH-RISE GUIDELINE BERLIN, DE. Development of guidelines for new high-rise buildings in Berlin; with C4C, ISU and Transsolar; commissioned by the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing; status: implemented Guidelines.
2018 SMART CITY STATION BERLIN CHARLOTTENBURG, DE. Redesign of the historic station as part of Deutsche Bahn's Smart City program; status: realised.
2017 DENSIFICATION STRATEGY FOR NEUE VAHR, BREMEN, DE. Urban development concept for the upgrading and densification of the Neue Vahr Bremen neighbourhood (approx. 440 ha); with Argus and BGMR; commissioned by GEWOBA Bremen; status: under implementation.
2016 MASTERPLAN NEUES GARTENFELD, BERLIN, DE. 1st prize in competition; masterplan for a mixed-use district of 60 ha; with Man Made Land, Hoffmann Leichter, Ingenieurbüro Kraft; commissioned by UTB and the Berlin Senate for Urban Development and Housing; status: implemented planning, under construction.
2015 URBANE MITTE GLEISDREIECK, BERLIN, DE. 1st prize in international competition; masterplan for a 120,000 sqm commercial complex; with Knippers Helbig, Marc Feustel, Man Made Land,Transsolar, commissioned by COPRO, Berlin Senate for Urban Development and Housing.
2015 CITY BETWEEN FOREST AND THE OCEAN, DAKAR, SENEGAL. Masterplan for a city for 1 million people; with Transsolar, Gesswein Landscape Architects, Mobility in Chain, IQ; commissioned by the Senegalese Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure; status: ongoing.
2012 NØRREPORT STATION COPENHAGEN, DK; 1st prize in international competition; upgrading of the station area; with Public Arkitekter, Grontmij; commissioned by the City of Copenhagen and DSB; status: realised.
2011 METROPOLZONEN + VESTERVOLDGADE COPENHAGEN, DK. 1st prize in competition; redesign of a street (wider pavement, new trees, bicycle lane, furniture) in Copenhagen's city centre; with GHB Landskab; commissioned by the City of Copenhagen; status: realised.
2009 NORDHAVEN COPENHAGEN, DK. 1st prize in international competition; masterplan for a new urban district for 40,000 inhabitants and 40,000 jobs; with the Ramböll; commissioned by Cph City & Port Copenhagen, DK; status: 1st phase completed, under construction.